
Welcome moogallery

javascript moogallery mootools

moogallery plugin has just been released and charged to the mootools forge. Actually the plugin was already available from ajs, the javascript "addon" library for mootools which I populate with scripts I often use in my work.

moogallery is a plugin for mootools that allows you to create a gallery of images in a table format with tips and lightbox included. It 's enough to provide the container which has to contain the gallery and the path to the thumb and the whole images with related information (title, description, credits) to generate an autosized gallery inside the container in which the thumbs are loaded sequentially. Each thumb has attached an over event (showing the image title) and a click event that opens the image with a lightbox-style effect, which reports more information (description, credits) and a navigation through images functionality.

Read more at the project page and take a look at the demo page!

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