
Posted in "angularjs"



Yeppa! Today I registered my first bower package, ng-upload-window, an angularjs directive wrapped around Danial Farid's ng-file-upload upload service, which organizes uploads inside a layer window which remembers the google drive upload window.

$ bower install ng-upload-window

You can find all relevant information and installation instructions in the github project page.

In a nutshell:

  • all the uploads are stacked in a fixed positioned layer window
  • for each upload information are shown: file name, file size,  progress bar, the downloading remaining time and the status of the upload.
  • uploads can be cancelled
  • the window can be iconized
  • the window can be closed when there are no more running uploads, or it's automatically closed after 8 seconds.

This directive wraps only the ...

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Serve private media with angular, DRF, CORS and token authentication

angularjs django drf rest

A long time has passed since my last post, I was fighting hard with a project learning django REST framework and angularjs, and now time has come to share some interesting knowledges.

This entry talks about serving private media from a django REST webservice, developed with django REST framework, to angularjs, in a scenario which uses a token authentication schema and CORS requests.

The problems to face

Let's see the problems we have to deal with.

  • Media with django are normally served directly by the web server, so they are out of the authentication/permission logic of the application
  • The token authentication schema needs every request to contain an header 'Authentication' part providing the token key (also when requesting files ...

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