Django & Dropzone js
Hi everybody, this one is just an example of how you can integrate Dropzone.js in your Django application. It's just a basic example, but probably a good starting point.
My scenario is a sort of two steps form: I ...
Hi everybody, this one is just an example of how you can integrate Dropzone.js in your Django application. It's just a basic example, but probably a good starting point.
My scenario is a sort of two steps form: I ...
Bootstrap 5 has come, currently in beta release, and seems already very stable.
So the question is: are you looking for a Django admin application based on it?
If yes, then Django Baton V2 is what you're looking for. V2 is ...
I've just released a new django package: django-subject-imagefield.
Basically, it is an enhanced version of the core ImageField, which adds support for the subject location feature.
You may specify a subject_location model field (as you can do for the width and ...
Hola gente,
This short post just to let you know that I've just updated all dependencies to their last stable releases in my django cookiecutter template.
I could finally power up django 2.1.5, since every package I use ...
Sometimes may happen you need to customize a bit more than usual your django admin interface. Maybe because you need a different dashboard approach, or you just need to aggregate functionalities in a way which differs from a pure CRUD interface. Anyway, if possible, you try to keep the change and delete form code of the django admin, because you really are too lazy to rewrite all the add/change/delete stuff.
In such a situation I found myself searching ...
Sometimes can be usefull to add some data-attribute to the option tags of a select field in your django admin forms. For example you can then use this attributes to perform some js manipulation, something like: hide all the stuff ...
I always use django-ckeditor in my web site projects when I need an html editor. CKEditor is a nice tool, highly customizable, which produces a well formatted html. Here at Otto srl there was the need to include custom app's contents inside the editor in an easy way, since the tool has to be used by unexperienced people.
I approached these requirements developing a custom CKEditor plugin, which can communicate with django apps async through ajax requests. Every app can ...
I was a happy developer using django-suit for all my working projects. Now django-suit v1 is becoming a bit oldie, it is based on bootstrap 2.3, and rewrites so many templates that its compatibility with some other apps begins to suffer (i.e. django-filer). It's a shame, it was in my opinion the best admin app overthere.
I know django-suit v2 is on stage, at the moment of this writing it is in development, and I'm quite sure it'will ...
I just finished to setup ssl encryption for, using Let's Encrypt Certificate Authority. This post serves as a reminder for me, and maybe a sort of guide for you.
This post assumes the website runs with the following technologies:
Let's Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority (CA), run for the public’s benefit. It is a service provided by the Internet Security ...
I'm currently re-configuring all my vim stuff, operation which I perform every x months/years. I used to debug django application using pdb
and its set_trace
method, this time I decided to integrate a debugging tool inside vim as I always did for PHP using xdebug.
I decided (after some other attempts), to use vdebug, which (as described in the ...
Your Smartwatch Loves Tasker!
Bootstrap 5 has come, currently in beta release, and seems already very stable.
So the question is: are you looking for ...
Let's see an example of exercise you can face during a job interview, and let's use it to understand some ...
The Pearson correlation coefficient is a measure of the linear correlation between two variables X and Y. It has a ...