
Posted in "performance"

Javascript frameworks are really powerful, when you need them

javascript jquery mootools performance programming testing


I've always used some kind of javascript framework when developing frontend stuffs. Mootools, jQuery, extjs and friends. All such frameworks provide a set of useful functionality, but above all in my opinion, they provide what is crucial for a web developer: cross browser compatibility.
The time you'll spend in writing cross browser code, even for a small project, is huge, especially if your software must support IE<9, and especially at the beginning, since you need to learn all browser ...

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MySQL, bad preformance of INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries

cache mysql performance php

Recently I've discovered a quite big perfomance problem when running INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries on mysql.

In particular I found that on some systems (some mysql versions) a query like


can take up to 0.1s to run!

Clearly such time interval is not acceptable, and I think it happens only with some versions of mysql because I've run some tests on my local machine and on the server where this site is running obtaining a result of 0.0007 seconds, we are talking about a difference of two orders of magnitude!

I've not investigated more about which mysql versions are affected and if there are any patches, I ...

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