Javascript projects
I've always been a javascript fan, I can't explain exactly why, i'm aware of some language inconsistencies and tricky behaviors, but I love it and with the coming of nodejs and the birth of many MVC frameworks, its future seems to be radiant.
Since years I use it massively in my web project, sometimes writing vanilla js, others I choose a framework above all to solve cross browser issues. I've used many frameworks, i.e jquery and extJS, but for a long period my favourite was mootools, and so I've developed some interesting mootools plugins.
In the last years I've experimented with modern js techniques, so the last projects are all about node stuff, react, redux, or jQuery modular projects. Some of them will be listed here, many others will not, so be sure to take a look at my github account.

A websocket mock server in nodejs usefull when developing realtime applications

An event dispatcher module for node and the browser

A redux connected component to manage localization stuff

TorinoMeteo realtime map
React + Redux web application which displays data collected by a net of amateur weather stations

A js module providing google maps' drawing tools. The perfect tool you can use to provide geolocalization functionality to your backoffice.

A js arcade racing game, developed with the framework phaser.

an angular module, which acts as a wrapper around the ng-file-upload directive and interacts wiith its upload service in order to have the uploaded files shown in a layer window which looks like the google drive one.

A mootools plugin designed to truncate html contents preserving the right html structure and without truncate tags

A mootools plugin designed to create a navigation tree starting from an html unordered list (ul tag). It adds automatically expand and collapse controllers and can manage different initial conditions

A mootools plugin designed to create a navigation tree starting from an html unordered list (ul tag). It adds automatically expand and collapse controllers and can manage different initial conditions

A mootools plugin which creates a responsive interactive gallery of images, videos and audios.

A mootools plugin which lets you draw shapes (point, polyline, polygon, circle) over a google map (api v3)

A mootools plugin that let's you execute functions when the defined words are typed on the keyboard. Instead of listening to single chars, wordevents can listen to words.

A mootools plugin which renders an n-digits calculator with some basic operations supported: sum, difference, multiplication, division, percentage, pow and sqrt.