

How to get the best of your U8 smartwatch

android smartwatch tasker u8

Yesterday my new U8 smartwatch arrived to me after a long trip around the world.
I'm happy with it, ok it is not as smart as the samsung gear or the sony smartwatch, but it's a super cheap product and you can't expect too much from it.

Nevertheless it has some nice functionalities:

  • receive and make calls from your watch
  • receive phone notifications
  • control your camera and take photos
  • sync your phonebook and call log
  • play music
  • anti lost feature
  • barometer, altimeter and pedometer

Wow, but it's not my intention to talk here about such things, there are trillions of youtube videos reviewing them on youtube.

Here I want to deepen how we can use two of such functions in ...

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How to exclude choices of m2m raw_id_field in django admin

django programming django-admin

This procedure took a lot of effort to be understood, but now it seems quite easy.


Imagine we need to create a recursive m2m relationship, something like a "related posts" field assigned to a Post model. It would be nice if we could exclude the current editing post from the available choices.

This is quite straightforward if we go with the default select multiple widget. In fact we only need to create a custom form class and override the queryset property of the related_posts field in the __init__ function, excluding the id of the current instance, and then assign such form class in the ModelAdmin class, see this SO question for more info.

But things become more ...

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Lightscribe on ubuntu 14.04 64-bit, what worked for me

lightscribe linux

Lightscribe technology is cool, but almost noone uses it. Actually it can be hard also to find writable disks,  at least in Italy.

I think this is the reason why having this technology working in ubuntu 64-bit can be a mess. You may find some discussions about the installation of the necessary software, but it seems that there isn't a "widely working" solution, so let's add another "worked for me" solution.

Install the ia32-libs

This package contains runtime libraries for the ia32/i386 architecture, configured for use on an ...

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Pretty raw_id_fields with django-salmonella and django-grappelli

django django-admin programming tips grappelli

Sometimes, when dealing with m2m relationships, we need to use the raw_id_fields property of the ModelAdmin class, in order to choose the related objects in a new page, where we can sort and filter the available items.

Without doubt the information that the widget used by django to treat such fields gives us is a bit poor. We only see the related objects's ids, it would be nicer to have the string representation of the object.

Here comes django-salmonella:

A raw_id_fields widget replacement that handles display of an object's string ...

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Responsive menu for bootstrap

bootstrap css3 javascript jquery

This is a nice one.

Bootstrap is a nice framework, the great advantage of using it is that it saves you a lot of time while building a responsive web site (the same can be said of other css frameworks out there).
The drawback is that the web sites coming out in the last years very often looks the same, all of them have the same navbar and the same menu behavior which collapses for extra-small devices, showing a menu button which reveals the content when pressed.

A good way to differentiate your web site from the others could be a change in the menu collapsing behavior.

Datmenu is a nice responsive menu plugin for Wordpress, so the idea is ...

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Add links to django admin changelist view

django django-admin programming tips

Sometimes you may need to add one or more links for each table row in your admin changelist view. There are many ways to do it, and here we'ss see a simple one. So this post is nothing more than a tip.

In my case I had to add a link opening a pdf view of the model item detail, here comes my implementation:

- app/models.py

from django.db import models
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.utils.html import mark_safe

class MyModel(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField('title', max_length=255)
    # ...

    def pdf_link(self):
        return mark_safe('<a class="grp-button" href="%s" target="blank">view pdf</a>' % reverse('archiviocr-opera-pdf', args=[self.id]))
    pdf_link.short_description = _('PDF')

- app/admin ...

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Paginating the results of a Django form POST request

django forms pagination

This is quite a common situation, we have a search form which leads to a result page. The number of found results can be big enough to require pagination. If we use the classic pagination code, the posted parameters will be lost when changing page and our search gets broken.

There are several ways to solve the problem, as tux21b wrote in this stack overflow answer.

Here I will talk about the first method, using session.
In the same stack overflow page you can see an answer by rvnovaes, which surely works but in my opinion has some eliminable drawbacks. The first is that if there are many search fields the code we have to write is too long (yes ...

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How to implement modal popup django forms with bootstrap

django forms bootstrap

UPDATE 11/18/2015

I wrote another article like this, but newer, just tested and with support for both bootstrap 3 and 4-alpha, check it out:


Sometimes could be a good idea to have the user provide all the needed information without living the "index" or "main" page of our web application. In other terms, sometimes could be a good idea to have some forms appear on a layer, a modal ...

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Check if user belongs to a group in django templates

django tips

Generally when implementing some "authentication logic" inside a django template it's enough to check if a user has some permissions, and in such cases you can use the variable perms, which is available if (from django site):

Technically, these variables are only made available in the template context if you use RequestContext and your "django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth", which is default. For more, see the RequestContext docs.

But could happen that you need to check if a user belongs ...

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Your Smartwatch Loves Tasker!

Your Smartwatch Loves Tasker!

Now available for purchase!
